Eynsham Parish Council News

Talk travel with the County Council 8 Apr 2024 During April residents can attend a focus group to talk about their local travel experiences

For residents who use local public transport on a regular basis in Oxfordshire and have some time to spare during April, there is an opportunity to share your experiences with the County Council.

Oxfordshire County Council is running a number of Travel Focus Groups to gather information about how people travel around the area and what is important to them when they do so. It is hoped that these discussions will raise any issues that require attention and drive improvements in transport options.

The sessions are happening online and in person, with specific sessions for different demographics (e.g. young people, people aged over 65 and commuters). All those who take part will be given a £50 voucher as recognition of their time and input.

Find out more about the focus groups and sign up for a session on the designated webpage: Travel focus groups – sign up to take part | Let's Talk Oxfordshire The sessions run from 17 April-1 May 2024 and interest can be registered by completing a short online form.



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